Experience Centro Guadalupano
Centro Guadalupano is an education and human services nonprofit providing resources to the Phillips community of Minneapolis.
See the Impact of Centro Programs
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Our Mission
The mission of Centro Guadalupano is to be companions on the journey with immigrant and refugee families and the economically disadvantaged by providing educational programs and human services.
Centro Guadalupano was founded in 2000 by Sinsinawa Dominican sisters serving at Holy Rosary Church. The sisters recognized the need for culturally competent programming in the Phillips neighborhood of south Minneapolis. Centro serves the immediate and long-term needs of more than 1,000 individuals and families from our diverse community each year, many of whom live at or below poverty level.
Centro Guadalupano’s programs serve all residents of the community, regardless of religious affiliation, race, nationality or ethnicity.
Adult Education
English Language Learner (ELL) Classes
Centro's largest and longest standing educational service, the English as a Second Language program serves about 100 adult immigrants & refugees with more than 5,000 hours of total instruction in a typical year. Utilizing a custom-designed, content-based curriculum, the program teaches English grammar and syntax through everyday experiences like purchasing groceries or using public transportation. The program offers four separate levels of instruction, including a unique pre-literacy level for students who are not literate in their native languages.
Classes are offered four mornings per week, Monday through Thursday, from 9:30-11:30.

After School Program for Youth
Centro's ¡Ándale! (Let's go!) after school program was initiated in January of 2008, in response to community demand and concern regarding the growing achievement gap facing Latino students in Minneapolis schools. Using a culturally competent framework that involves the whole family, the program works to increase student self-esteem, academic performance, and connection to the community.
The ¡Ándale! program meets after school on Tuesdays & Thursdays throughout the school year.
Sewing Group
Meeting once per week, Centro's curriculum-guided sewing program instills valuable and marketable skills in its participants, also serving as a unique and supportive social environment. In developing sewing skills, the women can: a) save money within their own households; and b) develop a marketable skill that can enhance their household incomes. Additionally, the sewing group fosters a social network that can negate some of the isolation many immigrant women feel upon leaving their family and friends in their native country. Approximately 30 women participate in the program each year.
The Sewing Group meets weekly on Friday mornings at 9:30 throughout the school year. New students welcome!

Thank you to our donors & financial supporters!
Otto Bremer Foundation
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
Pax Christi Justice Fund
Leroy C. Kopp Family Foundation
Jaye F. and Betty F. Dyer Foundation
Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation

Contact Centro Guadalupano
Get in touch with Centro Guadalupano (located at the Holy Rosary campus) to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
2424 18th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404, USA